Temporary Studio
Over the summer Alan and I relocated from Maryland to Simi Valley, California. We love being closer to our only daughter and enjoy the wonderful predictable weather. The most challenging aspect of our physical move has been moving our equipment and setting up our workspaces. Alan’s wood shop is coming together nicely in the three car garage. At the same time, he is building out my clay studio.
We are converting part of a metal prefabricated horse barn into a glaze/kiln room, a clay room, and a office/storage room. The existing finished storage space was easily converted into the office/storage room. The former tackroom will be a dedicated glaze/kiln room and is serving as my temporary studio. It has the appropriate electrical service, but no water yet. A hose and rinse buckets are working just fine for now. As I am typing, the contractors are pouring a concrete floor in one of the former feedstalls for the clay room, and the other feedstall for general storage. Moving furniture and equipment around the temporary studio to get to things is proving a bit cumbersome. Having more floor space will be much more efficient. Here are a few more studio pictures.
Temporary Wheel Station
Slab Roller and Storage
Office, Storage, and Photo Booth
Future Clay Room
Future Clay Room (view 2)